Akademische Berufstätigkeit
Studiengänge: Master Pädagogik und Erwachsenenbildung im Gesundheitswesen, Soziale Arbeit (Schwerpunkte Migration und Flucht sowie Leitung und Teamentwicklung), Pädagogik im Gesundheitswesen, Erweiterte Klinische Pflege, Management in der Gefahrenabwehr
- Andragogik
- Pädagogik
- Beratung
- Führung, Kommunikation und Personal
- Notfall- und Katastrophenpsychologie
Gastdozentin an der IGST
(Internationale Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie), Heidelberg >
- Einzel-, Paar- und Familientherapie
- Transformationsforschung
- Beratung
- Supervision
- Coaching
- Erwachsenen-Weiterbildung
Gastprofessorin an der Columbia University, New York, USA >
Letztes Seminar:
Drawing Lines and Crossing Borders: Transformation Theory and Richard Rorty’s Philosophy
„Transformative Learning Theory, a Theory in Progress? Thoughts from
a Habermasian Perspective”, XIII Biennial International Transformative Learning
Conference, „Building Transformative Community: Enacting Possibility in Today’s Times”,
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA
„Promoting Civic Capacities Through Transformative Learning”,
XIII Biennial International Transformative Learning Conference, „Building Transformative
Community: Enacting Possibility in Today’s Times”, Teachers College, Columbia University,
New York, USA
„Anti-Muslim Racism and the Perils of Social Desintegration – Fostering Social
Reintegration Through Transformative Learning” (mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock),
XIII Biennial International Transformative Learning Conference, „Building Transformative
Community: Enacting Possibility in Today’s Times”, Teachers College,
Columbia University, New York, USA
„Women’s Rights Movement and Transformative Learning Theory”,
Summer Institute of Civic Studies, Herrsching
„Transformative Learning Theory, a Theory in Progress? The Dilemma
Between Self-Conception and a Deficient Debate”, Interrogating Transformative
Processes in Learning and Education Network, European Society for Research on the
Education of Adults (ESREA), „Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for
Transformation”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Mailand, Italien
„Rorty on Irony – Conceptualizing an Adult Educator’s Attitude”, Interrogating
Transformative Processes in Learning and Education Network, European Society for Research
on the Education of Adults (ESREA), „Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for Transformation”,
University of Milano-Bicocca, Mailand, Italien
„Flucht- und Migrationserfahrungen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Transformativen
Lernens im Erwachsenenalter”, Ringvorlesung Erwachsenenbildung und Migration,
veranstaltet von der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt
„Die Angst vor dem Unbekannten – Flucht- und Migrationserfahrungen im Kontext
von Beratung”, Vortrag für den Studiengang „Soziale Arbeit mit dem Schwerpunkt Flucht
und Migration“ an der Akkon-Hochschule, Berlin
„Engaging at the Intersections – Adult Learning and Leadership“, Vortrag
beim Forschungskolloquium „Adult Education Guided Intensive Study” (AEGIS) auf
Einladung von Prof. Victoria Marsick, Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, USA
„Jürgen Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action within Transformation Theory”,
Summer Institute of Civic Studies at Cernivtsi National Yurij Fedkovych University,
Cernivtsi, Ukraine
„Teaching for Change: Transformative Learning Theory and Holocaust Education“,
XII International Transformative Learning Conference, „Engaging at the Intersections“,
Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, Washington, USA
„Where Philosophy Ends, Education Begins: Engaging at the Intersection of
Transformation Theory and Richard Rorty’s Philosophy“,
XII International Transformative Learning Conference, „Engaging at the Intersections“,
Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, Washington
„At the Intersection of Transformative Learning Theory, Systems Thinking,
and Learning through Story-telling“, XII International Transformative Learning
Conference, „Engaging at the Intersections“, Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma,
Washington, USA
„Dialogue and Communication in Transformation Theory: New Ideas from the
Perspective of Systems Thinking“, International Conference „The Role, Nature and
Difficulties of Dialogue in Transformative Learning“, ESREA, Hellenic Open University,
Athen, Griechenland
„Teaching for Change: Fostering Critical Self-Reflection in Adulthood”,
International Conference on Social Work as a Profession of Human Rights,
Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Czernowitz, Ukraine
„The Iranian Nuclear Crisis and Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory
as an Alternative Approach to Cope with Crises” (mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock),
73rd Annual Midwest Political Science Annual (MPSA) Conference, Chicago, USA
„Narration as a rite de passage”, Annual Conference of the Life History and Biographical
Research Net-work, European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA),
Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Italien
„Communication as Space of Transformation in Adult Education“, 11th International
Transformative Learning Conference „Spaces of Transformation and Transformation of Space“
at Teachers College, Columbia University
„What makes Iran a Threat? Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory as
a new approach to cope with threats“ (mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock), World International
Studies Committee (WISC), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
„Transformative Learning Theory and the missing focus: How to enable Perspective
Transformation through communication“, 55th Adult Education Research Conference (AERC),
Penn State University, Harrisburg, USA
„The Social Construction of Threats. The Iran Nuclear Crisis as a Textbook Example
for Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory” (mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock),
55th Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Penn State University, Harrisburg, USA
„Transforming Threats: Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory as a new
approach to cope with the Iran nuclear crisis“, International and Interdisciplinary Conference
on Culture, Values and Justice at the University of Vaasa, Finnland
„What makes Iran a Threat? Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory as a new
approach to cope with threats“, Midwest Political Science Annual (MPSA) Conference, Chicago, USA
„Systemic models as stimuli for new methodological approaches in person-centered
biography work in the sphere of adult and continuing education“, Annual Conference of
the Life History and Biographical Research Network, „Before, Beside and After (Beyond)
the Biographical Narrative“, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
„Holocaust Education in Western Europe and the USA“ zusammen mit
Professor Ludwig Eiber, Konferenz „Holocaust Education im 21. Jahrhundert“, Universität Augsburg
„The Problem of Perspective Transformation in Adult Education – Theoretical Reflections
referring to Jack Mezirow“, Internationale Fachtagung “Transformative Learning meets Bildung“,
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
freiberufliche Tätigkeit als Dozentin für das HR-Departement Bosch Service Solutions GmbH
freiberufliche Tätigkeit als Dozentin für das Pädagogische Institut (PI)
der Landeshauptstadt München
freiberufliche Tätigkeit als Dozentin für das Pädagogische Institut (PI)
der Landeshauptstadt München
Expertentätigkeit im Rahmen der durch die Akademie der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (HSS)
ausgerichteten Tagung zum Thema „Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten“
DVV International „Training of Trainers Course: Adult Education for Civic Participation
and Change“, Kiew, Ukraine
DVV International „Summer Academy of Countries of Eastern Neighbours‘ Region“,
Riga, Lettland
DVV International Workshop „Adult Education Between Individual Growth and Social Development“,
Kiew, Ukraine
„Theory Development Between Tradition and Innovation: Exploring Systems
Thinking Within and Beyond Transformative Learning Theory“, in: Finnigan, Fergal;
Flemming, Ted und Kokos, Alexis (Hg.): European Perspectives on Transformative Learning,
Palgrave Macmillan (im Erscheinen).
„Transformatives Lernen im Erwachsenenalter. Kritische Überlegungen zur Theorie
Jack Mezirows“ , Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang.
(zum Buch)
„Drawing Lines and Crossing Borders: Transformation Theory and
Richard Rorty’s Philosophy ”, in: Journal of Transformative Education.
(zum Artikel)
„Transformative Learning Theory and Systems Thinking. Enabling Transformation
through Communication “, in: Fuhr, Thomas, Laros, Anna und Taylor, Edward W. (Hg.):
Transformative Learning meets Bildung, Sense Publishing House, S. 141 – 152.
(zum Beitrag)
„Systemic models as stimuli for new methodological approaches in person-centered
biography work in the sphere of adult and continued education”, in: Evans, Rob (Hg.):
Before, Beside and After (Beyond) the Biographical Narrative, Nisaba-Verlag, S. 659 – 671.
(zum Buch)
„,Where Philosophy Ends, Education Begins’: Engaging at the Intersection of
Transformation Theory and Richard Rorty’s Philosophy”, in: Feller, Amanda,
et al. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 12th International Trans-formative Learning Conference
„At the Intersection of Transformative Learning Theory, Systems Thinking,
and Learning through Story-telling“, in: Feller, Amanda, et al. (Hg.): Proceedings
of the 12th International Transformative Learning Conference
„Teaching for Change: Transformative Learning Theory and Holocaust Education“,
in: Feller, Amanda, et al. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 12th International Transformative
Learning Conference
„Holocaust Education and Transformative Learning Theory: Taking a closer look”,
in: Meilhammer, Elisabeth und Matthes, Eva (Hg.): Holocaust Education in the 21st Century,
Klinkhardt, S. 257 – 270.
(zum Buch)
„Reinforcing Threats: The Iranian Nuclear Crisis and Jack Mezirow’s Transformative
Learning Theory as an Alternative Approach to Cope with Crises” (mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock),
in: Chakrabarti, Chandana und Lehtonen, Tommi (Hg.): Perspectives on Culture, Values, and Justice,
Newcastle upon Tyne, S. 155 – 170.
(zum Buch)
„Teaching for Change: Fostering Critical Self-Reflection in Adulthood”, in: Petrjuk, Iryna (Hg.):
Social Work as a Profession of Human Rights, Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University,
Czernowitz, Ukraine, S. 142 – 149.
„Communication as Space of Transformation in Adult Education“, in: Nicoladides,
Aliki & Holt, Dyan (Hg.): Proceedings of the XI International Transformative Learning
Conference: Spaces of Transformation and Transformation of Space, S. 291-297
„Transformative Learning Theory and the missing focus: How to enable Perspective
Transformation through communication“, in: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Adult
Education Research Conference (AERC)
„What makes Iran a Threat? Jack Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory as a new
approach to cope with threats“ (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Bock), in: Proceedings of
the 55th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)